Land Surveys for Public and Private Sectors
Determining boundaries, defining limits, measuring distances and creating site and lot grading plans, are all the responsibility of the surveyor. Kim Husted Surveying Ltd. takes great pride in providing a broad range of land and site surveys for our public and private sector clients.
Attention to Detail, Quality and Accuracy
By applying geomatics and using state-of-the-art equipment, our highly skilled and experienced team is able to ensure complete client satisfaction while paying special attention to detail, quality and accuracy.
Our surveying services include:
Property Surveys
Land Severance Sketches
Subdivision Plans
Surveyor's Real Property Reports
Site and Lot Grading Plans
Survey Reference Plan (R-plan)
Boundary Surveys
Topographic Survey
Condominium Plans
Our projects include:
Detached Homes
Apartments and Condominiums
Office Building/High-Rise Buildings
New Home Construction (Infill Housing)
Schools, Institutions and Parks
Industrial parks
Construction and Engineering Layout
Boundaries Act Plans
Cemetery Plans
Crown Lands Plans
Farm Surveys

To order a land survey for your private, provincial or municipal site, please get in touch with us.